Because of the skills required to safely work with animals and the ongoing trust relationship between our animals and people, the short answer to this is no.
While your work in this scenario may be contributed for free, it's not helpful for us spend the time educating, training, and supervising someone who will only be here a few hours. In fact, it's a burden on the farm and staff as the work takes longer and risk of injury to animals and people is higher.
Educating and training members of the public is a full time job and so is farming. The two cannot safely be done concurrently by the same person. We are hoping to fund a staff position entirely dedicated to coordinating volunteer experiences like this.
In the meantime, we will be holding special volunteering events in the spirit of community work days that will help us with important projects like preparing wool for dyeing, seasonal foraging, barn-raising, and pasture-expansion.
If you would like to support the farm AND learn to work with our animals for an afternoon, we'll be offering experiences like bottle feeding baby goats as private bookings with Lee and our staff. This allows us to spend time with you and offer an amazing farm experience without placing a burden on the farm.
You can sign up here and check "on-farm events" to be notified of both of these kinds of events.